10 Things You Should Never Do on a First Date

First dates can be nerve-wracking experiences, but they don't have to be. To make sure your first date goes smoothly, it's important to avoid certain behaviors that could make your date uncomfortable or put them off. Here are 10 things you should never do on a first date.

1. Talk About Yourself Endlessly

When you're on a first date, it's important to get to know your date. However, talking about yourself endlessly can make your date feel like they're not being heard. Make sure to ask your date questions and give them the chance to talk about themselves.

2. Quiz Them

While it's important to get to know your date, it's not a good idea to quiz them. Asking too many questions can make your date feel like they're being interrogated. Instead, try to have a natural conversation and let the conversation flow.

3. Dismiss Them Because They're Not Your Type

When you're on a first date, it's important to keep an open mind. Just because someone isn't your type doesn't mean you can't have a good time. Don't dismiss your date because they don't fit your ideal.

4. Have Your Phone on the Table

It's important to be present on a first date. Having your phone on the table can be a distraction and make your date feel like you're not paying attention. Put your phone away and focus on your date.

5. Talk About Your Ex

Talking about your ex on a first date is a definite no-no. It can make your date feel uncomfortable and make them think you're not over your ex. Keep the conversation focused on the present and avoid talking about your past relationships.

6. Avoid Eye Contact

Eye contact is an important part of communication. Avoiding eye contact can make your date feel like you're not interested in them. Make sure to make eye contact and show your date that you're listening.

7. Drink Too Much Alcohol

It's perfectly fine to have a drink on a first date, but it's important not to overdo it. Drinking too much can make you act inappropriately and make your date feel uncomfortable. Stick to one or two drinks and keep your wits about you.

8. Wear Something Uncomfortable

When you're on a first date, it's important to feel comfortable. Wearing something uncomfortable can make you feel self-conscious and make it harder to relax. Make sure to wear something that you feel good in.

9. Be Late

Showing up late to a first date is a surefire way to make a bad impression. Make sure to arrive on time and let your date know if you're running late.

10. Have Unrealistic Expectations

It's important to keep your expectations realistic when you're on a first date. Don't expect the date to go perfectly or expect your date to be perfect. Take the date as it comes and enjoy the experience.

Following these tips can help ensure that your first date goes smoothly. Remember to be yourself and have fun. With a little preparation and a positive attitude, you can make sure your first date is a success.